Every individual and/or couple seeking fertility options has unique needs. Our goal is to provide patients with all available options and answer all questions to make sure that our patients can then make an informed decision.

Our center prides itself on offering LGBTQIA+ inclusive patient-centered care. In addition to being recognized as a 2024 High Performer by the HRC, we are a designated Center of Excellence for St. Louis and surrounding regions. We are excited to start this journey with you.
The Fertility & Reproductive Medicine Center at Washington University provides advanced reproductive assistance in an environment that is supportive and comfortable for all individuals who want to build a family.
Same-sex couples and/or single individuals have options for conceiving – intrauterine insemination and in vitro fertilization – and can choose to use sperm from an anonymous or a known donor. We have an extensive network of sperm banks that we work with and can refer you to a reputable sperm bank.
Furthermore, we are well versed in the FDA guidelines regulating tissue donation and we adhere to these rules.
- Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
Also known as artificial insemination, this procedure places donor or partner sperm directly into the uterus. - In vitro fertilization (IVF)
With this procedure, ovaries are stimulated causing multiple eggs to grow. The eggs are surgically retrieved from ovaries and combined with sperm in our laboratory, where fertilization occurs. The best embryo(s) are selected and transferred into the uterus 3-5 days later. - Donor eggs
Pregnancy can be achieved with the use of donor eggs, sperm, and a gestational carrier (surrogate). Using IVF, donor eggs are fertilized with the sperm, and the embryos are then transferred into a gestational carrier to carry the pregnancy. *Please note that couples and/or individuals must have their own gestational carrier identified as we do not provide gestational carrier volunteers. We are happy to provide a list of agencies that match patients with gestational carriers. - Fertility preservation for individuals pursuing gender affirming hormones
Individuals have an opportunity to undergo fertility preservation prior to pursuing gender-affirming hormones or surgery. Additionally, some fertility options are available long after initiation of gender-affirming hormone therapy.
Call us today and schedule a consultation! 314-286-2400.