Fertility Preservation Consultation
Call us today at 314-286-2400 to start the conversation
about preserving your fertility.
Cryopreservation is the freezing of tissue for use in the future. Frozen sperm, eggs (oocytes) and embryos do not age. In fertility planning, cryopreservation can be used at different stages and for different reasons.
Embryo cryopreservation
Often times in IVF, there are embryos created in excess of what will be transferred initially. Excess embryos can be frozen for future use. Embryo freezing is a well-established as the first baby born from a frozen embryo was born in 1984.
Freezing excess embryos for future use reduces the cost of subsequent assisted pregnancies. In our center, the pregnancy and live birth rates from frozen embryos are similar to those from fresh embryos.
Freezing all embryos for subsequent transfer may be advised for women and their partners who may desire to delay childbearing, transfer embryos into a gestational carrier, or may be facing a medical problem, (endometriosis or cancer for example) that might require the gonadotoxic treatments or removal of the ovaries.
Oocyte (egg) cryopreservation
A woman can choose to have unfertilized eggs preserved for future use. The eggs can be frozen in the same way as above. There are a number of indications for egg freezing. In the past, most women who chose to freeze eggs did it because they were facing medical or surgical treatments that posed a threat to their future fertility such as chemotherapy or ovarian surgery. Over time egg freezing has become more successful and more and more women are choosing to freeze their eggs to ensure options for future fertility given the normal age-related decline in fertility.
How many eggs do I need to freeze x probably of having 1 live birth (by age of eggs frozen)
The Fertility and Reproductive Center offers elective egg freezing. There is debate as to when is the most optimal age to consider egg freezing. This is a highly individualized decision that our specialists will help you navigate.
If you are interested in freezing your eggs to preserve your future fertility, Call us today to schedule an appointment: 314-286-2400.
Sperm banking
There are a number of reasons as to why an individual may choose to bank sperm. While many patients bank sperm because they are facing medical or surgical treatments that may impact their future fertility, many individuals bank sperm temporarily to have sperm available as a back up for IVF or IUI if they travel frequently and/or have difficulty collecting and would like to have a back up sperm source available.
An increasing number of patients are banking sperm prior to initiation of gender affirming hormone therapy.
Usually sperm from one ejaculate is enough for future ICSI treatment. Depending on the indication, usually one banking appointment is typically adequate. However, our physicians and nurses can guide you on the recommended number of bankings once the initial sample is analyzed
Frozen sperm remains viable for up to 20+ years.
To schedule sperm banking for fertility preservation the following are required:
Schedule an appointment with one of our Providers to review the process and requirements.
- STD Testing (HIV1/2, RPR, HepBsAg, HCV) will be ordered by one of our providers.
- Create a Reprotech Account. This is required for shipping and storage of the specimen.
- Please use the links below to access ReproTech account set up and general information.
ReproTech | The Cryostorage Experts – ReproTech Website (general information)
Docusign – Main Forms Page – Reprotech – ReproTech Account set up via Docusign
ReproTech of Texas phone numbers: 469-547-2399 or 888-350-3247
Financial Assistance option for cancer diagnosis:
Verna’s Purse Financial Aid – Reprotech – Verna’s Purse information (discounted storage rates for cancer diagnosis)
ReproTech Financial Assistance – Verna’s Purse application
Complete the Sperm Banking Packet and turn in prior to your appointment.
ReproTech account set up (for long-term storage – these samples are stored off site)
You should be aware of several factors before proceeding. Insurance companies usually do not cover this appointment. The current self-pay cost for sperm banking is $341.25 per visit/specimen (EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2020 the new charge will be $356.25 per/specimen frozen). A partial semen analysis will also be performed including an assessment of the count and the motility of the sperm. You will receive a call from our office after your appointment with the semen analysis results. You may be advised to bank additional specimens. If the sample proves to be inadequate for freezing, you will be refunded the cryopreservation cost of $213.75. Call the member number on the back of your insurance card to check coverage for fertility preservation (CPT codes: 89310, 89259. Diagnosis code: Z31.84).
You may consider a consultation with one of our physicians for discussion of procedures that may be required to produce a pregnancy with your cryopreserved specimens. The consultation fee is additional.